We are partnering with JBL Bridal in Hudson to bring tux fittings to school on April 12th at 8:00 AM! Every tux that is rented or dress that is purchased through JBL Bridal will give a $10 donation back to the prom committee. Any questions email daitonlemmon@morencibulldogs.org
-Tuxes will be fit on April 12th at 8:00 AM at the school
-Tuxes will be dropped off at the school the Thursday or Friday before prom
-Tuxes will be picked up the Monday following prom. (This will save 3 trips to the tux shop!)
-Dresses can be purchased through JBL Bridal by appointment at their shop in Hudson.
-Can’t do the 12th at 8:00 AM make an appointment with JBL Bridal mention you are from Morenci and get the same drop off and pick up!

Three of our middle school students were selected to participate in the 2022 LCBDA Lenawee County Honors Band hosted by Lenawee Christian Schools on March 30th. Representing Morenci was Kaitlyn Ruse, Quincy Kurylczuk and Piper Thompson. They spent the day preparing music and getting to know 90 other musicians from the other Lenawee County Schools. The day concluded with a performance to showcase all of their hard work. Thank you to the guest conductor, Matthew Shephard from Meridian Public Schools, and all of the Lenawee County Directors for a great day!

Click here to view the April 2022 MS/HS newsletter: https://www.canva.com/design/DAE6sndNP9Q/naahiHcp96_GQAMuXNCwdg/view?utm_content=DAE6sndNP9Q&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=publishsharelink

The Morenci High School Prom is hosting a Dine to Donate at Buffalo Wild Wings in Adrian on April 4, 2022. If you are able to enjoy a meal out, please let them know you are there supporting The Morenci High School Prom. 20% of your bill total will be donated back.

The junior and seniors attended the Career Connections job fair today at Adrian College.

A group of Morenci teachers is raising funds to support refugee children and their teachers who have fled to Budapest, Hungary, having been displaced by the war in their own country. Funds raised will provide financial support for teachers, educational materials for students and provisions for families. We will be working to maintain an ongoing relationship with these teachers and students through a cousin of Mrs Reincke who lives there and is helping raise support. We will have a table with Sunflower Pens at PTC, the national flower of Ukraine. Please give generously. Thank you!