NWEA Testing Rescources

Morenci Area Schools is pleased to provide NWEA (Northwest Evaluation Association) assessments for our students. NWEA assessments are national on-line computer-adaptive tests.  Students typically take NWEA assessments two or three times each school year in Reading, Mathematics, Language, and/or Science. Tests are self-paced an most students complete one subject’s testing in 30-60 minutes.  “Computer-Adaptive” means that each test is adjusted to each student as he or she is taking the test.  Students who show they can do more challenging work are provided more advanced or challenging questions as they answer these questions correctly.  Students who may struggle to answer questions at a particular level are provided questions at levels more appropriate to their ability.  This adjusting up and down throughout the test allows the NWEA assessments to provide a customized picture of each individual student’s performance.  Reports from these assessments are greatly beneficial to teachers whose classes often have a wide range of student performance levels and abilities.  This customization is helpful to parents and students as well, as they can readily see where the student is performing, whether above, below, or at grade level.

NWEA provides a number of resources for educators to assist in interpreting student and class scores, and to provide guidance for each student’s next steps in learning.  By assessing multiple time a year, year after year, a unique learning profile develops for each student.  Teachers, parents, and students can use this information to celebrate successes, to identify next steps in coursework, and to set clear goals for student learning.

State of Michigan Assessments

Parent/Educator: How to Read M-STEP and MME Fall Report on Student Scores

The Michigan Department of Education has developed a new video for parents which summarizes M-STEP and walks viewers through how to read and interpret student scores within the M-STEP Parent Report.

Parent/Student: M-Step Video Featuring Computer Adaptive Testing

How to Read Your Child's M-Step Score Report in English

How to Read Your Child's M-Step Score Report in Spanish


Online Practice for M-STEP ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies
The preview is intended to provide students and teachers with a brief look at the English language arts (ELA), mathematics, science and social studies technology-enhanced item types.

Online Practice for the WIDA Assessment
WIDA Access for ELLs 2.0 is the annual assessment used by the State of Michigan to measure the progress of English Learners toward English Language Proficiency.  This practice test site is provided by WIDA and its project partners to show educators, students, parents/guardians, and the general public the test content and language demands that may be found on the actual ACCESS for ELLs 2.0 test.

SAT/PSAT 10/PSAT 8/9 Practice - The College Board
The new SAT offers free, high-quality practice including simulating test day by taking an official new SAT practice test, an app for getting daily SAT practice questions and scoring practice tests instantly. College Board - provider of the SAT, PSAT 10 and PSAT 8/9 - provides resources to help prepare for the College Board Assessments.

In addition the College Board and Khan Academy have created a partnership to provide personalized world-class SAT practice for free.  These links will connect you directly with Khan Academy to take one of the online practice tests, get personalized practice recommendations and interactive practice that includes thousands of practice questions, video lessons and hints.

Mapping the Road to College
This tool allows you to see where NWEA Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) assessment scores can take your student with NWEA College Explorer tool. It links MAP scores for students in grades 5-9 to colleges and universities based on the median ACT scores of students who were admitted and enrolled in those institutions.


Morenci Area Schools has partnered with The Michigan Department of Education, Division of Accountability Services to provide a new service called the Michigan Linked Educational Assessment Reporting Network (MiLearn).  This innovative project delivers state assessment data to students, parents, and educators in a more timely and dynamic manner.  It uses your district’s Student Information Systems to provide signed-in users access to reports. 

Here’s how it works.  Once a parent, student, or educator has logged into Infinite Campus, just look for the State Assessments link.  Once you click it, you will be granted access to the state assessment reports available to you based on your role (parent, student, or educator) and the assessment results available. 

Morenci Area Schools is proud to be partnering with the Michigan Department of Education as part of this project.  Bringing state assessment data to parents, students and educators in an electronic format through Infinite Campus is a major enhancement in getting assessment data out quicker and more efficiently.  If you have questions about MiLearn, feel free to contact us by sending an email to MDESupport@midatahub.org or by calling 269-250-9240.