Each year, as part of the back-to-school registration process, parents are required to update their student's account. Starting today, we request that you update your student’s personal information for the 2024-2025 school year in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal. It is essential for everyone to review and update this information for their student(s) before the start of school. Additionally, you will need to complete additional forms on the appropriate Google Drive to finalize the annual update process. Both tasks must be completed before the first day of school.
If you do not have a parent account in Infinite Campus, please contact Eileen Moore at emoore@morencibulldogs.org to receive your unique code to access the parent portal.
Please follow these steps to update your registration:
Step 1:
1. Using your parent login information, log into the Infinite Campus Student/Parent Portal. If you have any issues logging in, please contact the building secretary. (Only one parent/guardian needs to complete the online registration).
2. Click on "More" on the left side.
3. Select "Online Registration."
4. Choose "Existing Registration" for current students.
5. Click "Start" and follow the tabs (items in yellow need to be filled out).
6. Review and then submit.
Step 2:
1. If you have a student in grades DK-5, please complete the following forms online:
DK-5th: https://forms.gle/GL47m1gHckc7VPxN9
2. If you have a student in grades 6-12, please complete the following forms online:
6th-12th: https://forms.gle/Drwh9YSyMDgTVmEr7
Once you have completed both Step 1 and Step 2, you have finished the online registration process.
Elementary teacher assignments will be emailed beginning August 12th to those who have completed Steps 1 and 2. Middle and high school schedules will be available for pickup at the Open House.
Open House - August 21, 2024
Elementary: 4:30-5:30 p.m.
Middle/High School: 5:00-6:00 p.m.
REMINDER: August 26th is the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL FOR THE 2024-2025 school year.
If you have any questions, please contact the building secretary.
DK-5th Grade Eileen Moore emoore@morencibulldogs.org
6th-12th Grade Darci Lemmon dlemmon@morencibulldogs.org
Thank you and GO BULLDOGS!