Prevention Measures: Teach your family how to lower their risk of getting and spreading illnesses by:
● Washing their hands often with soap and running warm water for at least 20 seconds. That is the same amount of time as it takes to sing “Happy Birthday” twice. Make sure to also clean under the fingernails.
● If a sink or hand washing station is not available, use hand sanitizer properly. Gels, rubs, and hand wipes work well against most germs if they contain at least 60% alcohol. Throw wipes in the trash after use.
● Cough or sneeze into a tissue if possible, or their upper shirt sleeve or elbow—not onto their hands!
● Avoid touching eyes, nose, or mouth. That’s how many types of germs enter the body and also how germs can be spread.
● Avoid close contact with others, such as kissing, shaking hands, and sharing cups and eating utensils.
● Clean frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs and mobile devices.

DISEASE | EXCLUSIONS (Unless healthcare provider says differently) |
Chicken pox (Varicella) | Until lesions crusted and no new lesions for 24hr (for non-crusting lesions until lesions are fading and no new lesions appear) |
Covid-19 | Must quarantine for 5 days (please call the school for further information). Mask use recommended for days 6-10 upon return. |
Diarrheal Illness, no specific diagnosis | Keep home until diarrhea has ceased for 24hr or until medically cleared. |
Fifth Disease | No exclusion if rash is diagnosed as Fifth disease by a healthcare provider; no longer contagious. |
Hand Foot Mouth Disease | If secretions from blister can be contained, no exclusion needed |
Head Lice | Student with live lice may stay in school until end of day; immediate treatment at home is advised; can return next day after treatment, will be checked. Must have no active lice or nits closer than 1/4 inch to scalp to attend school. |
Impetigo | Treatment may be delayed until end of the day; if treatment started before next day's return, no exclusion necessary, cover lesions |
Influenza or influenza like illness | Keep home with first signs of illness. Encourage good cough etiqette and hand hygiene. Exclude until 24hrs with no fever (without fever reducing medication) and cough/symptoms have improved. |
Mononucleosis | Keep home until able to tolerate school activities; exclude from contact sports until recovered or cleared by a healthcare professional |
MRSA | No exclusion if covered and drainage contained. No swim exclusion if covered by waterproof bandage |
Norovirus (viral gastroenteritis) | Keep home until illness (vomiting and diarrhea) has ceased for at least 2 days; exclude from food handling for 3 days after recovery. |
Pink Eye | Keep home only if diagnosed by a healthcare provider with herpes simplex conjunctivitis and eye is watering; exclusion also may be necessary if 2 or more associated children have watery, red eyes, contact LCH if questions |
Ring worm | Treatment may be delayed until end of the day; if treatment started before next days return; no exclusion necessary; exclude from contact sports and swimming until start of treatment. |
Strep Throat/Scarlet Fever | Keep home 12 hours after start of treatment from strep or follow healthcare provider directions: need minimum of 2 does to return. |
Vomiting illness, no specific diagnoses | Keep home until 24hrs after last episode |
Whooping Cough ( Pertussis) | Keep home until 5 days after proper antibiotics treatment or until 21 days after onset if not treated (Contact LCHD) |
New students to the district, 7th grade, Kindergarten, and Pre-school students:
Please be aware of possible immunizations that may be required by the start of the new school year. If you are unsure, please contact your local Health Department or your physician to clarify if your student is due or not.
Parents or guardians choosing to decline vaccines must obtain a certified non-medical waiver from a local MI Health Department prior to the school year. The health department can be reached at 517-264-5226 option 2. You can also visit the Lenawee County Health Department for more information.
Please see the following links below for helpful information