Morenci Parents:
Online Applications are for NEW students only.
If your child/children finished the 24/25 school year with us, please do not fill out a new application for the 25/26 school year. Our students are automatically enrolled for the following year.
If you need to change your information, please do so at the school.

Notice for Online Applications
Need Assistance?
If you have questions on the registration process, please contact the building secretary.
Elementary: (517) 458-7504
Middle/High: (517) 458-7506
Enrollment Resources
The entire Morenci Enrollment process can now be done online. Simply follow the step-by-step process here, starting with step 1, by clicking below. While all steps must be completed to enroll, they do not have to be completed all at once, or in order.
Please enroll as soon as possible to help us prepare for the start of instruction.
Required Registration Form for New Students ONLY
Please click on and complete the following form if your student did not complete the previous year in Morenci.
Required Registration Form for New Students ONLY
Last Report Card or Unofficial Transcripts
If possible, you should bring/upload the last report card from the previous school when enrolling your student in elementary or middle school. For high school students, an unofficial transcript is required in compliance with Michigan State Law.
Proof of Residency
To enroll a student, one piece of identification showing proof of residency is required. The student must be living with a parent, or court guardianship papers must be presented. Foster Parents must provide Foster Care License Number. Proof of residency may include any of the following:
Driver's License
Voter Registration Card
Utility Bill
Purchase, Lease or Rental Agreement
Bank Deposit Slip
Canceled Check with your address
Other mail sent to your residence (not junk mail)
Do you live outside of the Morenci School district? If yes, you must complete the School of Choice Application.
Are you unsure of what district you live in, click here to check what district your address is registered under.
Step-by-step Guide for the Annual Update to update Emergency Contact Information:
Step 1. Log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal Account. The link to the Portal can be found under “Parent Resources” on the district Website or by entering Campus Portal Login (
Step 2. At the bottom of the index on the left hand side of your screen, click on “More.”
Step 3. In the center of the next window, click on “Annual Information Update.”
Step 4. From the list on the next screen, select 2024-2025 (Current School Year) Existing Student Registration’, where the 2024-2025 reflects the start year and end year, by clicking ‘Start’ in the right column.
Step 5. A list of your children will appear. Click ‘Begin Registration’ then select English or Spanish. The next screen contains a lot of information. For an Annual Update update, click ‘Begin’ at the bottom of the list
Step 6. Click through each section, starting with Household. Continue to click ‘Next’ and ‘Save/Continue.’ Items highlighted in Yellow require action on your part. 'Next' will take you to the next screen/tab within that section. 'Save/Continue' will take you to the next section or student. Please ensure that the data is correct.
Step 7. Complete this process for each of your children. Once complete, click “Save/Continue.”
Step 8. When all students are updated, “Save/Continue” will take you to the Submission screen.
Click “Submit” to send the information to the school to be updated in Infinite Campus.